I write fiction and am a regular blogger for the Berkeley Science Review (click on an article below to be redirected):
Life in the Clouds (published in Nature)
Science Writing:
Science Fiction Writers on Writing Science
The Best Science Youtube Channels and Podcasts
Global Warming Games to Shrink Mountains
The Aliens are Coming (to a Theater Near You!)
Phosphenes: Seeing Star(t)s Here
Death, Taxes, and Benford's Law
The Evolution of Gendered Language
Who's Afraid of Laplace's Demon
Are Universities for Learning or Creating?
Math is for Winners: Optimizing Dominion
If you want People to Get Vaccines: Then Listen
Expressing Science Through Art
Alternative Science Career: Become and Organoleptic Taste Tester
Bacteria in your Frosted (Snow) Flakes
Grey Goo: Not and End for Me or You
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